Notes From The Trail

Horseshoe Bend is a popular site for panoramic views and photographs, and its captivating clear blue waters make you wish you could just dive right into the Colorado River. Considered one of the many natural wonders of the Grand Canyon, did you know you can actually camp at the base of the bend
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Visiting National Parks in your area or throughout the United States is a great opportunity to not only hike and enjoy the outdoors, but to learn new things along the way from history to life-skills. With 58 national parks throughout the country to choose from it can be difficult when starting to plan your next vacation. Step out of the box and travel to some of these lesser known areas for just as much beauty and knowledge
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Remember those large piles of leaves your parents would rake together so neatly only to be destroyed by mini you? That’s right, it’s Fall! Fall can be that tricky time of year where the trip to see the changing of the leaves should be planned at just the right time. Different trees in different parts of the nation display a variety of blended colors and smells. Pack up the minivan or load up that motorcycle for some of our fall favorites.
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